

PuWe 1 is one of the largest and faintest planetary nebula known to exist. The nebula was created when a red giant star blew off its outer layers near the end of its life. The gas is energized by the remaining core of the star, which is called a white dwarf. However it is very faint due to its large size. As planetary nebulae expand they become fainter because the gas moves further from the white dwarf that energizes it.

Observatory: Kitt Peak National Observatory  Kitt Peak, Arizona
Telescope: KPNO 4-Meter
Instrument: Mosaic I  
Astronomer: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage) and H. Schweiker (WIYN and NOAO/AURA/NSF)
Date of Observation: 02-11-2015
Filters and Assigned Colors: Hydrogen alpha (red) and Oxygen [OIII] (blue)
Exposure Times: 5x10min in each
Location of Image: Lynx
Field of View: 36.3 x 33.0 arcmin
Orientation: North is left, East is down
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