

Sh2-155, informally known as the 'cave nebula', is dark cloud of gas embedded in a giant emission nebula. The top edge of the cloud is illuminated by several hot, massive (OB) stars that are part of the Cepheus OB3 assocation.

Observatory: Kitt Peak National Observatory  Kitt Peak, Arizona
Telescope: KPNO 4-Meter
Instrument: Mosaic I  
Astronomer: Dr. Travis Rector
Date of Observation: 09-09-2009
Filters and Assigned Colors: Hydrogen alpha (red), Sulphur [SII] (blue) and I (orange)
Exposure Times: 5x5min in H-alpha and [S II] each and 5x3min in I
Location of Image: Cepheus
Field of View: 36.4 x 35.5 arcmin
Orientation: North is left, East is down
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