NGC 6300

NGC 6300

This near-infrared images is of NGC 6300, an intriguing barred spiral galaxy. The image shows the galaxys complex arm structure forming a spectacular ring of star formation. The galaxys bar also has a strong vein of dust that almost obscures its bright active nucleus. At the center of the galaxy resides a black hole with an estimated mass of 280,000 Suns.

Observatory: Gemini Observatory (South)  Cerro Pachon, Chile
Telescope: Gemini South
Instrument: FLAMINGOS-2  
Astronomer: Gemini Observatory and T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage)
Date of Observation: 05-12-2013
Filters and Assigned Colors: Y (blue), J (cyan), H (green) and K (red)
Exposure Times: 80sec in Y, 40 sec in JHK
Location of Image: Ara
Field of View: 3.1 x 2.9 arcmin
Orientation: North is up, East is left
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