NGC 6872 & IC 4970

NGC 6872 & IC 4970

Located about 200 million light-years away, NGC 6872 (left) and companion galaxy IC 4970 (right) are locked in a tango as the two galaxies gravitationally interact. This target was selected by the Sydney Girls High School Astronomy Club as the winning entry in the 2010 Australian Gemini School Astronomy Contest.

Observatory: Gemini Observatory (South)  Cerro Pachon, Chile
Telescope: Gemini South
Instrument: GMOS-S  
Astronomer: Sydney Girls High School Astronomy Club, T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage), Ángel López-Sánchez (Australian Astronomical Observatory/Macquarie University) and the Australian Gemini Office
Date of Observation: 11-01-2010
Filters and Assigned Colors: g (blue), r (green) and i (red)
Exposure Times: 4x280sec in g, 4x22sec in r, and 4x160sec in i
Location of Image: Pavo
Field of View: 5.0 x 5.0 arcmin
Orientation: Rotated CCW 116 degrees from north is up east is to the left
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