Saturn in Infrared

Saturn in Infrared

This image was obtained with the Gemini North telescope near-infrared light using the Altair adaptive optics system. Altair corrects, in real-time, most of the distortions caused by turbulence in Earth's atmosphere. In this near-infrared image, the body of Saturn appears to be blue and its rings glow a neon pink. At the perimeter of Saturn's ring the F-ring is faintly visible. Saturn's large moon Titan is also visible at the bottom of the image. And in fact a storm appears to be brewing near its equator. Several small moons are also visible in the image.

Observatory: Gemini Observatory (North)  Mauna Kea, Hawai'i
Telescope: Gemini North
Instrument: NIRI+Altair  
Astronomer: Gemini Observatory and Henry Roe (Lowell Observatory), Emily Schaller (Insitute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii) and T. A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage)
Date of Observation: 05-07-2009
Filters and Assigned Colors: K' [2.0-2.1 microns] (blue), h210 [2.12 micron narrowband] (green), and bracket gamma[2.17 micron narrowband] (red)
Exposure Times: N/A
Location of Image: Solar System
Field of View: 40 x 40 arcsec
Orientation: North is up, East is to the left
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