IC 405 Flaming Star

IC 405 Flaming Star

AE Aurigae is the bright blue star at the center of the image. The incredible energy from this hot, massive star is energizing the surrounding gas (known as IC 405), causing it to glow dramatically. As a result it is also known as

Observatory: WIYN Observatory  Kitt Peak, Arizona
Telescope: WIYN 0.9-Meter
Instrument: Mosaic I  
Astronomer: T.A. Rector & B.A. Wolpa (NOAO/AURA/NSF)
Date of Observation: 12-21-1999
Filters and Assigned Colors: Hydrogen-alpha (yellow), Oxygen [OIII] (violet) and Sulphur [SII] (blue)
Exposure Times: 5x5 minutes in each optical filter
Location of Image: Auriga
Field of View: 45 x 45 arcminutes
Orientation: North is to the left and East is down
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